August 29, 2018

What does it mean with High Density Lipoprotein?

HDL (high density lipoprotein) is the most complex lipoprotein class in terms of composition and function. HDL is comprises of a heterogeneous group of lipoprotein particles. HDL has a higher protein content and a smaller triglyceride and cholesterol content than LDL

HDL is a cholesterol-carrying protein. It often referred to as the “good” cholesterol. LDL cholesterol carries cholesterol from liver to invade the arteries, sparking atherosclerosis. HDL cholesterol does the exact opposite. It takes cholesterol out the arteries and delivers it back to liver to be packaged into bile and excreted from the body. 

Very low-fat eating plans can lead to a lowering of HDL levels. Therefore, individuals should follow a moderate-fat diet, with 20-35% of total calories coming from fat and a strong emphasis should be placed on the unsaturated fats. An HDL level above 60 mg/dL is very protective against heart disease and can really be considered a negative cardiac risk factor.
What does it mean with High Density Lipoprotein?

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