April 21, 2014

Food sources of pantothenic acid

Bacteria in the large intestine can make pantothenic acid, but the human body may not be able to absorb it in significant amounts.

Pantothenic acid is available in a variety of foods. The organs of animals (liver, heart, kidneys) and eggs, whole wheat products and peanuts are excellent sources of Pantothenic acid.

The muscular tissue of animals, cheese, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms and salmons are very good sources of this vitamin. 

Pantothenic acid is relatively unstable in food. Significant amounts can be lost in commercial processing, packaging, cooking and freezing.

Whole grains are good sources of pantothenic acid, but processing and refining grains may result in a 35 to 75% loss. Freezing and canning of foods have been found to result in similar losses.
Food sources of pantothenic acid

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