December 1, 2014

Flavor and color of alkaline noodles

Alkaline noodles are made from flour, other ingredients and alkaline salts such as sodium or potassium carbonates and less commonly sodium hydroxide.

Inclusion of alkaline salts in noodle formulas imparts a characteristic aroma and flavor, and a yellow color.

The flavor of the cooked product is typical of an alkaline odor and influences its acceptance to consumers.

The yellow color is associated with naturally occurring flavones in flour, which are colorless at acidic pH but turn yellow at the high pH of alkaline noodles.

The desired characteristics are a bright, light yellow appearance; free of any darkening or discoloration; a firm clean bite; a chewy and elastic texture with some degree of springiness; and a satisfactory al dente reaction of biting.
Flavor and color of alkaline noodles

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