June 29, 2015

Characteristics of fat soluble vitamins

The fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K are found in the fats and oils of food. Unlike water soluble counterparts, these vitamins are absorbed like dietary fat, with the assistance of bile acids.

Unlike water soluble vitamins, fat soluble vitamins are circulated away from small intestine in the lymph via chylomicrons before eventually entering the blood either as components of lipoproteins or bound to transport proteins.

Once absorbed, these vitamins are stored in the lover and fatty tissues until the body needs them.

The risk of toxicity from vitamin A and D is greater that that of vitamin E and K. A toxic affect from vitamin D can be seen when one consumes only ten times the body’s need. In contrast, consuming just three times the body’s need for vitamin A can lead to toxicity.

Fat soluble vitamins play diverse roles in the body. Vitamins A and D act somewhat like hormones, directing cells it convert one substance to another to store this or to release that.

Fat soluble vitamins typically found in fatty portions of foods, and they easily destroyed by heat and light.
Characteristics of fat soluble vitamins

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