June 28, 2015

Wheat intolerance

Sufferers from wheat intolerance are sensitive to the whole grain of wheat, whereas people with celiac disease are sensitive to the wheat protein, gluten.

It is a condition in which the body does not adequately digest wheat, although the reaction remains a metabolic disordered and does not involve the immune system.

Wheat intolerance is much more common than wheat allergies and those who have it usually have a delayed onset of symptoms as long as two to three days later.

These people suffer with various degrees of symptoms, ranging from stomach discomfort to chronic headaches and diarrhea. Wheat intolerance also gives symptoms of asthma, eczema, general aches and pains, mood swing and itchy skin.

Some individuals with wheat intolerance may still be able to eat wheat occasionally or in small servings.
Wheat intolerance

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