April 19, 2016

Cell wall structure

The cell is the basic structural unit if all plant tissues. These cell are surrounded by cell walls that provide an elastic support for retaining the contents of the cell.

The cell also has a membrane layer, which is located just inside the cell wall and which controls the passage of liquids into and out of the cell. The cell is filled with jelly-like substance, termed the cytoplasm, which is composed of protein, sugars, salts and other substance dispersed in water.

Mature ells also contain vacuoles, which are separate compartments filled with a fluid, cell-sap and which are composed of dissolved sugars, salts, organic acids, pigments and other materials.

Also located within the cytoplasm are separate inclusion bodies , called plastids, which contains the pigment of chlorophyll. These plastids are only both 4 to 10 nm in diameter.
Cell wall structure

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