September 27, 2016

Lentinan in shiitake mushrooms

Lentinus edodes (shiitake) is an edible mushroom that contains a polysaccharide, lentinan. Its use occasionally associated with skin reactions.

Among lentinan’s healing benefits is the ability to power up the immune system, strengthening its ability to fight infection and disease.

The amount of lentinan in the fruit-body of shiitake mushroom is rather small 0.88 to 1.17 mg per 6 to 8 grams of mushroom although lentinan is not the only polysaccharide responsible for the immune-activity of the shiitake.

Shiitake mushroom
The shitake extract, lentinan had demonstrated the ability to cure cancer in laboratory mice and is approved for the treatment of gastric cancer in Japan.

Lentinan is currently being used in the treatment of cancer and AIDS by practitioners in Japan, China, Germany, Russia, and the United States. The lentinan is not affected by cooking. Consumed in its natural form, the shiitake mushroom tastes fabulous.

It will naturally enhance the flavor of any meal. To obtain the maximum benefit of the lentinan content of the shiitake mushroom, it is recommended that 300 grams per week per person be included in the diet.
Lentinan in shiitake mushrooms

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