November 6, 2012

Microorganisms in foods

A microorganism is a microscopic form of life found on all non-sterelised matter that can be decomposed.

Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes are a few microorganisms that are of great concerned to food industry.

While Salmonellae have for many years been considered the most important foodborne pathogens worldwide. Foods implicated in outbreaks of salmonellosis include meat and poultry, eggs and egg products, milk and milk products, fresh produce and spices.

An increase in the numbers of pathogen or spoilage microorganism can occur though growth or recontamination.

Growth may occur if the food, temperature and packaging atmosphere support growth, and sufficient time is provided under favorable conditions.

When microorganism grow in food they cause varying degrees of change in the food’s characteristics as a result of metabolic activity. Some of these changes including food spoilage, food poisoning are undesirable.

Despite growing concerns over food borne illness and microbial contamination of food, not all microorganisms in foods are bad.

Numerous microorganisms, like bacteria, yeasts, and even molds are used in a variety of foods and they provide some of the most important and even enjoyable aspects of those products. For example, cheese, yoghurt, pickles, and sauerkraut.
Microorganisms in foods

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