December 16, 2014

Food temperature affects flavour

Tasting abilities may vary within the individual, depending in a number of outside influences.

The temperature at which foods are served affects human ability to perceive tastes. Warm foods generally taste stronger and sweeter than cold foods. For example, melted ice cream tastes much sweeter than frozen ice cream whereas very hot coffee tastes less bitter.

Heating milk to pasteurization time and temperature imparts a slight cooked or sulfurous, whereas heating above normal pasteurization temperatures generates pronounced cooked flavors.

There are two reasons for the effects of temperature on flavor.
*The volatility of substances is increased at higher temperatures, and so they smell stronger.

*Taste bud receptivity is also an important factor. Taste buds operate beats at temperature of around 86° F and so tastes will be more intense in this temperature range.

As the temperature of foods or beverages goes below 68 °F or above 86 °F, it becomes harder to distinguish their tasks accurately.
Food temperature affects flavour 

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